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Everything you need in a box to create a wireless DTL / ABT line!


5 Microphones with stands

A wireless referee remote control

A wireless Receiver with the connector of your choice to control the trap.


We're not a fan of wires. Poor connections, adverse weather affecting them, aninmals chewing them, trip hazards, the list goes on. This is why we decided to create a completely wireless system. No power leads going to the microphones, no audio cables to a control box, no trap release cable going to the trap.


Signals we can do, and that's well known due to how reliable our wireless technology is on all of our other products. We've coded in advanced algorithms to suppress background noise, while all the while remaining sharp when someone calls Pull. We appreciate some people have a quieter voice than others, which is why we have added an increase and reduce sensitivity feature to the referees remote control.


In addition to being able to adjust the sensitivity, the Referee remote control can mute the entire line of microphones, and manually release the trap at the push of a button.


Once a shooter calls pull, all 5 microphones on the line will disable for 3 seconds. more than enoough time for the competitor to take their shots.


Be sure to watch the video above to see just how good our background noise suppression is, and to hear a greater explanation of all of the features this system comes to offer.



Note! new products are always popular and as such there is likely to be a delay in processing your order. Please allow 10 -15 working days from the time of placing your order until dispatch.

ABT / DTL wireless microphone system

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